G.I. Says’ Vietnam War Underground Press Documentary Film by Jason Rosette ‘G.I. SAYS’ (2021) aka, ‘Subterranean News’, is the incredible true story about the only known underground antiwar publication to be produced…
Download, Print, & Share the One-Page PDF with all details about how you (if you are a US taxpayer) can make a quick and simple 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION to our Cambodian-based…
http://igg.me/p/101764?a=207478 IndieGogo, or http://media-alliance.stores.yahoo.net/intomac6hrme.html TAX DEDUCTIBLE (non-crowd funding link) through US fiscal sponsor, Media AllianceFREEDOM DEAL, a Supernatural Feature Drama set in Cambodia During Nixon’s 1970 Cambodia Incursion, as the Vietnam War expands across the…
Motion capture session here in Bangkok for an animated feature I was hired to co-write. Multiple motion capture cameras ranged around the studio shoot off of reflective beads/balls placed on actor’s joints, interpolating…
Photo of legendary Cambodian filmmaker Yvon Hem with the Grabay Meas (‘Golden Waterbuffalo’) trophy for his film, ‘Shadow of Darkness’, which screened at CamboFest (www.cambofest.com) 3.0 2553/2009 Edition. Trophies from last year…
A scene from ‘Pirate’s Curse’, (c) Location Thailand/Studio Asia, Ltd. Camerado director Jason Rosette was brought onboard as editor and post production supervisor to conduct successful forensic story reconstruction, while contributing additional…
Selections for BANGKOK INDIEFEST 1.0 (Detailed schedule and film info to be posted @ www.bangkokfest.com shortly) www.bangkokfest.com Note: Schedule TBA; additional films may be added August 6-8 2553 BANGKOK, Thailand 10…