Lost in New Mexico: The Strange Tale of Susan Hero. color. 85 min.
Jason Rosette, Camerado, dist. by amazon.com. 2008. DVD UPC
8-83629-27962-6. $39.95. Public performance. F

This atmospheric and moody no-budget feature shot around the city of
Albuquerque is aptly marketed by its resourceful director as “a sci-fi
cloning road movie for the 21st century.” Rosette’s timely fusing of
diverse genre elements involves no less diverse a cast of characters:
Susan, a grieving young woman who robs the movie theater at which
she’s employed so she can pay for the cloning of her recently deceased
daughter; Dr. Morell, a maverick geneticist bent on extending the
reach of his illegal cloning services; Javier, an illegal Mexican
immigrant accompanying Susan; Carl (played by Rosette), a
self-doubting FDA agent on the trail of Morell; and Lonnie, a Native
American potter trying to raise funds so his daughter can attend
college. Rosette (Bookwars, LJ 10/1/00) envelops these characters in
the evocative desert landscape, complemented by a wistful and spare
guitar soundtrack. Extras include a production slideshow with the
director eloquently detailing the film’s difficult history. Recommend
for adventurous viewers.—Robert A. Sica, Eastern Kentucky Univ. Lib.,


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